

Exploring consciousness through music, photography, and science

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Bound to Books

Bound to Books

Hennessey + Ingalls is just about the last bookstore in Los Angeles where you can buy new books at a decent price, in great condition, and get them Brodarted for free. The Santa Monica store is huge and conveniently located in a very touristy and prominent location, across from a major Barnes and Noble outlet. Many people choose to purchase theirs through Amazon, but I prefer to select my books in person. There is nothing quite like sifting through rows of books and being able to inspect them!

My most recent purchase was the Sieff book, shown above. I am always on the lookout for great photography books and Mark, one of the owners, happened to mention that this book was fantastic, at an even more fantastic price of  $19.99 less than half the cost of Amazon's listing. I picked it up and sure enough, it was amazing. The print, the binding, and of course the content was spectacular. Overall, a great recommendation for any photo lover.


I was talking with Kurt at Hennessey + Ingalls in Santa Monica about the dwindling number of brick and mortar bookstores.  The Hollywood store will be closing soon, which is quite unfortunate but understandable, given the rise of online publications, tablets, and eReaders. We both agreed that while the number of bookstores may lessen, books themselves will never go away. They would instead become more of a niche thing, like Vinyl. "I don't know about 8-track's though..." I just laughed.  "Hey man, you know cassette tapes are on the return, so who knows..." 

Photographing Jeph Howard of The Used

Photographing Jeph Howard of The Used

The Ultimate Guitar

The Ultimate Guitar